Little Free Library at Tas Drug in Maiden

Did you know Maiden has a free 24/7 ‘Little Free Library?’

The library is hosted by Tas drug and is available at any time for all you bookworms in town.

The 24/7 "Little Free Library" Hosted By Tas Drug in Maiden
The 24/7 “Little Free Library” Hosted By Tas Drug in Maiden

Have books you have already enjoyed and would like to pass them on for someone else to read, then this is the perfect opportunity to share them with the local community.

The 24/7 "Little Free Library" Hosted By Tas Drug in Maiden
The 24/7 “Little Free Library” Hosted By Tas Drug in Maiden

Likewise, if you are a bookworm looking for something new to read, why not check out the library while shopping for your medications at Tas or picking up groceries at Food Lion?

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Little Free Library at Tas Drug in Maiden
Little Free Library at Tas Drug in Maiden

Find Tas Drug Store information at their listing in our Maiden Business Directory here.

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