Coffee With A Cop

After a years long break during the pandemic, Coffee with a Cop is once again observed here in Maiden. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is “to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve.”

“One of the big issues that law enforcement must continually deal with is communication. We all know that the majority of contacts law enforcement has with the public is in emergency, sometimes adversarial, or emotional situations. Let’s face it; those situations are not always the best time for a nice “sit-down chat about community issues.” So how do we communicate better with the people we serve? The answer to that question is simple; just have a cup of coffee.”

These are the words of Sgt. Chris Cognac of the Hawthorne PD in a blog about the origins of “Coffee With A Cop” To learn more about the History of this National Event, read more here! History of Coffee With A Cop

As well as providing a relaxing forum where you can interact with our local Police Officers, staff and command staff, you can also pick up some goodies, pamphlets of information that are quite useful as well as a free gun lock should you require one!

The atmosphere was certainly relaxed and friendly as well! I took a moment to speak with as many people as I could especially all of our local Maiden Police that were on scene. I asked Officer Mark Baker when we would be seeing “Coffee With A Cop” in the future and he said that “These are held once per year” while adding “Although I’d like to have them every six months!” I couldn’t agree more Mark!

This year’s event was hosted by Mae’s Market. Looking back at the history of Coffee With A Cop in Maiden, Mae’s also hosted this event July 23, 2021. Be sure to stop by Mae’s and enjoy some yummy pastries as well as their large selection of coffees, frappes and other treats! Thank You Mae’s!

One of the keys to Coffee with a Cop’s success is that it removes the physical barriers between officers and residents and happens outside of the crisis situations that routinely define interactions between law enforcement officials and community members. Thank you to everyone in the community that turned-out on Friday to have a coffee and chat with our fine MPD officers!

If you would like to contribute photos or opinions to this story, reach out to us by email or contact us on our Facebook Page!

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