Patrick Junior Havens

A disturbing case of invasion of privacy and child sexual exploitation has concluded with a prison sentence for Patrick Junior Havens, 64. Havens, owner of 321 Lawnmower Sales & Services in Maiden.

Havens has been sentenced to up to 107 months in the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction, and is required to register for 30-years as a sex offender. The verdict follows multiple offenses, including the illegal filming of a minor.

Evidence presented at trial revealed Havens had installed hidden cameras in a residential bathroom in order to capture explicit footage of a 13-year-old relative. Havens made multiple copies of this heinous footage for his own personal use.

In March 2023, a family member discovered two recording devices hidden in a bathroom. A subsequent search warrant led authorities to seize additional cameras disguised as phone chargers, along with other recording equipment.

Although these devices recorded footage of other family members, only the footage of the teenage girl was used by Havens for his unlawful purposes.

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office spearheaded the investigation, and the case was prosecuted by the District Attorney’s Office of Lincoln & Cleveland counties.

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